Smoky Mountain Reflections
March 2014
So as we
enter this Lenten season what should we reflect on....What Christ did for us
and why He had to do it. As I ponder
this thinking of lent as solemn, melancholy, struggling, suffering...lets
tackle one of those difficult "in the world but not of it" questions that
we as Christians do struggle with seeking to maintain a good conscience before
God to do His will in our lives when it seems there are not good options.
I would like to discuss boycotting and / or associating ourselves with
organizations or businesses that either aggressively support positions that
encourage people to live in a state of unrepentant sin or take no position at
all on behavior which God's word clearly condemns as sinful and harmful. Our
society has in essence normalized sinful behaviors such as: murder through
assisted suicide, starving the infirmed to death and abortion, and adultery
through cohabitation, same gender and polyamorous relationships.
Even more
specifically I would like to address three organizations that have always been
purveyors of good moral character but have in recent years succumb to the
pressures of seeking to keep everybody happy.
In a customer is always right driven society that is a normal turn of
events however the customer is not always right because all customers are
sinners which means that sometimes we want what is not good or good for us.
Just as any parent who has said not to a child can tell you the results are
often unpleasant. The three organizations are "The Boy Scouts of
America," BSA "The Girl Scouts USA," GSUSA and "Thrivent
financial for Lutherans". (Which recently voted to change its name to
Thrivent Financial for Christians)
Let me
first say that that it is virtually impossible to do business today without
directly or indirectly supporting some sinful behavior because we are sinners
doing business with sinners. The hard part of being in but not of the world is
that we must sometimes do business with companies that we know have policies
that scripture condemns. When you buy a nail, a sandwich or a shirt while you
may be indirectly supporting a sinful policy or behavior, this act of business
is not seen as approval of something which scripture clearly condemns. This
however does not relieve us of doing our best to defund and condemn with our
words and our patronage that which is evil, while supporting and being good
customers to those businesses who are proactive in their support of sound
biblical morality.
That being
said the BSA and the GSUSA have nondiscriminatory policies with regard to
sexual orientation. While both organizations proclaim neutrality on the
sanctity of human life, every person that the national office of the GSUSA
holds up as a role models for girls to follow are vocally pro-choice. Also
consider that over 90 Girl Scouts and
their leaders marched in the Gay pride
parade last year. So while their policies are neutral their actions are not. So
what about those tasty cookies they sell each spring, Should we by them? First
I would like to point out that our local Girl scout council is not connected to
many of these issues that the national
office of the organization is responsible for. If you by cookies the latest
figures they provide say 70% stays in the local council and troops while and
30% goes to the bakeries. What they do not tell you is that the bakeries must pay
millions to the national organization every year for the privilege of providing
the cookies. So what I have chosen to do is tell the nice little girl I have
been getting my annul supply of cookies form that this is the last year we will
be purchasing any cookies. The same can be said for BSA popcorn. That does not
mean you cannot still support your local troop in either organization, Just make
your donation directly to the troop as long as they do not support or agree
with the policies that violate God's word. This way you can be an influence for
positive change without becoming an isolationist.
I expect
secular organizations such as the BSA and the GSUSA to take neutral positions
on moral issues, However I feel that it is inexcusable for a Christian
organization to be claim neutrality on issue of biblical morality. That is what
Thrivent has done, they issued a statement in January that says they are
neutral on issues such as abortion and
sexual orientation. The result of this decision is that pro-choice
organizations which have since 2006 received from Thrivent over $8400, and
Pro-live organizations like the Woman's Care Center here in Sevierville will no
longer receive the over $878,000 dollars that were given out annually to
support pregnancy resource centers. It saddens me that my life insurance
company which I chose because all of its profits were to be used to support the
Gospel, Could be said to be indirectly responsible for over 30 abortions in the
past 7 years. I am not saying to divest yourself from Thrivent, however as we
are in but not of the world we must speak the truth in love. So sign the online
petition to get Thrivent to refund those Pro-life organizations, and make it
clear that if they do not make some changes for the good you may be doing
business elsewhere.
How we as
individuals can be a positive influence and how we as a church body are a
positive influence will look a little different. The church must not be seen to associate
itself with public organizations that hold positions that are in clear
violation of God's word. Because a public association is in affect an endorsement
of that organization. That is why we did not re-charter the boy scout troop
which used to meet here. however it is possible for individuals to be involved
in local troops that hold to biblical morality and stand for that truth in that
organization. The same can be said for any organization as long as it does not
require oaths or that conflict with or imply support for sinful activity.
I know this
month's reflection is a little long however I wanted to give you some solid
advice on hot to be in but not of the world in these difficult times. Our
suffering for the Gospel is relatively light compared with those of the early
church or even those who today live in lands where they are terribly persecuted
for faith in Christ. However it is still
suffering and at the end of every day we all have to live with our consciences
guided by His will. So as you carry your cross this Lenten season remember,
Matthew 11:30 "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Blessed Lententide
In Christ
Pastor Portier