Smoky Mountain Reflections #161
It is my desire in this reflection
to encourage you, so this reflection will be a condensed version of two well-written
articles by two men I highly respect; our synodical president the Reverend Dr.
Matthew Harrison, and the Reverend Dr. Peter Scaer, a professor at Concordia
Theological Seminary.
is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear
though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the
sea, though its waters roar and foam,
the mountains tremble at its swelling……There is a river whose streams make glad
the city of God,
….The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress (Psalm 46: selected verses).
….The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress (Psalm 46: selected verses).
one-person majority of the U.S. Supreme Court got it wrong – again. Some 40
years ago, a similarly activist court legalized the killing of children in the
womb. That decision has to date left a wake of some 55 million Americans dead.
Today, the Court has imposed same-sex marriage upon the whole nation… Now shall
come the time of testing for Christians faithful to the Scriptures and the
divine institution of marriage (Matthew 19:3–6), and indeed, a time of testing
much more intense than what followed Roe v. Wade…
As faithful Christians, we shall continue to be obedient
to just laws. We affirm the human rights of all individuals and the inherent
and equal value of all people. We respect the divinely given dignity of all
people, no matter their sexual preference. We recognize that, under the
exacting and demanding laws of God, we are indeed sinners in thought, word and
deed, just as are all (Romans 3:9ff.). We confess that the “blood of Jesus Christ,
God’s Son, cleanses us from all our sins” (1 John 1:7). We confess that God’s
divine law of marriage and the entire Ten Commandments apply to all, and that
so also the life-giving sacrifice of Christ on the cross is for all. It is a
“righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe”
(Romans 3:22).
even as we struggle as a church to come to a unified response to this blatant
rejection of the entire history of humankind and its practice of marriage, “We
shall obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29). …God help us. Amen. Pastor Matthew C. Harrison”
For the full version of this letter I encourage you to visit
The following discussion points
concerning the sanctity of marriage and the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent
decision were prepared by the Rev. Dr. Peter J. Scaer, associate professor of
Exegetical Theology, Concordia Theological Seminary (CTSFW), Fort Wayne, Indiana.
1. The Supreme Court decision changes nothing about our
Christian faith. There is still a higher court and Christ will be our final
Judge. As Christians, we obey the government (Romans 13), but we recognize that
our greatest allegiance is to God and His Word, and that in matters of
conscience, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
2. We continue to support one man
one woman marriage, as it is taught in Genesis 1 and 2, and as
it is
taught by Christ Himself (Matthew 19:1-9 and Mark 10:1-12).
5. We are all called to repentance. As a people, we have
not treated marriage with the respect that it deserves. Divorce is far too
common among us, and too often we condone and support even our fellow Christians
as they live together outside of wedlock. Knowing that we cannot rely upon
worldly wisdom, we are called to hear and reflect upon God’s Word and once more
come to Him for forgiveness.
6. True love calls us to speak the truth so that all may
know the forgiveness and love of Christ. We cannot celebrate that which God
calls sin (Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9). By doing so, we leave people in
their sin and apart from Christ.
The Court has been wrong before. In the Dred Scott decision, African Americans
were counted as less than human. In Roe v. Wade, the rights of the littlest
children were ignored, leading to the deaths of 57 million
The Supreme Court, like any human institution, is prone to error. As Christians,
we recognize that there is a higher, heavenly court and that God’s Word does
not change. We also recognize that unjust decisions must be challenged for the
good of our neighbor.
11. Marriage is the only institution
that binds a man to his wife and to any children that result from that union. Only
the union of one man and one woman is able to produce a child, and that is the reason
the state should be involved in marriage, because it is good for children and
14. So-called “gay marriage” is not the end of the debate
but only the beginning. There is now no consistent logical argument against
polygamy, group marriage or temporary marriage. Such arguments, once thought to
be extreme, are now commonplace. In the midst of such confusion, the Church
must continue to speak the truth in love.
16. As same-sex marriage becomes the
law of the land, Christians will be increasingly persecuted for their belief. Already,
florists and bakers have come under fire. Businessmen have lost their jobs and
adoption agencies have been forced to close. Pastors have had their sermons
subpoenaed. Christian schools have already come under assault, having to fight
for their accreditation. The free exercise of religion, a constitutionally
protected right, is under great assault. We therefore must stand together with people
of conscience. We must support those who speak God’s truth in love and are
persecuted for living according to their faith in Christ.
This is
about half of the talking points, for the full list visit;
We have a tough road ahead of us but
the gates of hell will not prevail against God and His church. Be informed and
be encouraged.