Smoky Mountain Reflections #181
We as Lutherans often speak of the three Solas of the reformation, it is
even on the cover of our directory this year; Scripture alone, Grace alone and
Faith alone. We can traditionally expand this into The Five Solas of the Protestant
Reformation: Sola scriptura, Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solus Christus and Soli
Deo Gloria.
“Lutherans Engage”, the quarterly magazine for the mission efforts of the
LCMS, had an article about “CLET” The
Center for Lutheran Studies in English. This Center is an important place for
the training of leaders and pastors for the French speaking mission work in 6 West
African countries. This is one of many mission efforts of our church body all
over the globe. A sign at the entrance of the center shows a painting of Martin
Luther, the Luther Rose and the 5 Solas of the reformation.
So, what are these 5 Solas? They are Latin for some important principles.
Sola scriptura:
Scripture alone is the source and norm for all Christian teaching.
Sola fide: Faith alone
is what connects the believer to salvation through Christ.
Sola gratia: Grace
alone, salvation is a gift and no works of man can save.
Solus Christus:
Salvation through Christ alone.
Soli Deo Gloria: Glory
to God alone.
The last two Solas are 20th century additions to the first
three. Why all this talk of Solas? Well,
you may
I warned of the troubles that come with anniversaries a couple months ago, past generations have warned against the distraction of
anniversaries. Here is yet another example of such an issue.
PBS ran a reformation series as well
as a number of other news outlets running articles and new pieces over the past
few months on this topic. They must all be singing from the same song sheet reducing
the Historic three Solas to two and replacing Grace with ….get ready for
it…”the priesthood of all believers”. Talk
about cherry picking. Notice they kept Scripture and Faith alone because we can
(falsely) take credit for our understanding of scripture and our faith. I say
falsely because the Holy Spirit gets credit for both. But to replace Grace
alone, which is really hard to take credit for with a completely different
topic, reveals that they are trying to pigeon hole Luther into their
revolutionary narrative. To do so, would make him the genesis for all sorts of
terrible things in history that he and scripture would condemn.
Luther only promoted and discussed “the
priesthood of all believers” in the context of a response to the abuses of the
Pope and the Roman Catholic priesthood. But Luther never argues that “the
priesthood of all believers” in anyway replaces the Office of the Holy Ministry
that God gave as a gift to His church. God’s church is a priesthood to the
whole world and He instituted the means through which His Grace was to be
delivered to His church. His Under
Shepherds, serving in the office, deliver His gifts of Word and Sacrament to
His people.
Luther sought not to rebel but to
return the church to its roots. And the Solas of the reformation are sound
principals for us to draw from. We are the beneficiaries of past generations’
pains and struggles for these truths. We, God’s people, hold that Scripture
alone is the source and norm for all we believe and teach. We confess that
these reveled truths of his Scripture make clear that it is through Grace alone
that we can have Faith alone which saves through Christ alone and this is all
to the Glory of God alone.
Christ alone,