Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Smoky Mountain Reflections #193

            Another busy summer. As I write this the next 6 weeks carry a lot of busyness for us here at St. Paul Lutheran Church in the beautiful Smoky mountains.

-        Tomorrow begins our Community Service Rummage Sale. This is growing into a large event that serves a lot of people.
-        Next week I will be in Memphis to serve as chair of our District Missions Floor Committees.
-        The following week: VBS! “Splash Canyon”.
-        The following week: Robin Brown and I will represent our congregation in Memphis at the Mid-South District convention.
-        July 1st is our Red, White & Blue Sunday.
-        July 4th at Patriot Park in Pigeon Forge we will be selling lots of Shave Ice to Support the Woman’s Care Center.
-        The following week I join our Youth at Camp Linn Haven.
-        After that Science Camp.

Just as we need to take one in seven days to rest (not to mention it is a commandment) you should
Also take some time during the busy summer to rest. Take a vacation. The list of busy things we have going on here is not unique; band camps, music camps, science camps, sports camps and many other things compete for the family’s summer time.

            Do not let the busy-ness of the summer take your eye off of what is important. Make sure you have regular time in worship wherever you are. The LCMS has a great app that can help you find a church on vacation. Make sure you have time or make time to keep your family relationships healthy. Spend regular time around a table, sharing a meal (without any electronic glowing screens in view). Take time to enjoy the blessings of God in worship in family in community.

Have a safe and not so busy summer 😊
In Christ,
Pastor Portier