Smoky Mountain Reflections
January 2012
Happy New
Year!!! 2012 is here... we have entered
the last year of the myan calendar...I can't wait to celebrate December the
22nd, or for Christ to return before that date.
Why am I so sure Christ will not return on Dec 21, 2012, well scripture
says the second coming will surprise us like a thief in the night, I therefore
theorize that because of all the end of time hype about that date it is
probably the least likely date for the end of the world as we know it.
about The end January is a time to talk about beginnings, a fresh new year for
fresh new things in our lives. It is of
course a good time to take a break from regular exercise because all the gyms
fill up for the first two weeks of the year.
Regular exercise is an important part of a well balanced healthy
lifestyle and part of good stewardship as well.
I must sadly admit that the regularity of my exercise has suffered
greatly since the days in my life when the Department of Defense regularly tested
my physical fitness and how well or poorly I did was recorded on my periodic
evaluations. When you are a member of
our US military your career sinks or swims (Navy pun intended) on those
evaluations or fitness reports. The art
of writing military evaluations is an exercise in adjectives, saying more with
less, and using key phrases that will help or hurt a career with the stroke of
a pen. Words like "lacks
initiative" or "needs improvement" will stop a career dead in
its tracks, while a popular phrase in my day like "sustained superior
performance" would insure the quickest advancement possible.
organization has some sort of process, formal or informal to give feed back and
to help motivate towards improvement. As
I take a glance at the society I live in during the month that I reach half a
century in age, I wonder what sort of evaluation we could give our society to
help motivate it towards improvement.
First and foremost the best way to improve your temporal condition is to
be assured of your eternal contrition.
Faith in Christ is the exclusive path to eternal peace. That being said we can also take actions in
this life that can and will help improve our temporal condition as a society. If I were to give our society a fitness
report, I am afraid that low marks "lacks initiative" and "needs
improvement" would be dominate features on the document.
In the
realm of communication we would do poorly. Diction
suffers as languages are always growing and changing to deal with popular pronunciation
causing confusion; impor--ant, instead of important, ideal used when idea is
meant, oh no you di--ant, wantn to, fixin to, Ebonics, don't ya no, eh, and if
you think we have diverse dialects in English, India has 18 officially
recognized languages and each or those has multiple dialects. We no longer teach cursive handwriting in
school because most of us write with keyboards now. Map reading is a dying skill because our cars
have computers that tell us where to go.
Most Americans can not even show you where they live on a map of our
country. and the written word on paper
is being replaced by the written word on screens, encyclopedias have been
replaced with Wikipedia. Social
networking has replaced for many real person to person networking and
interactions. The only thing that is
constant is change. Change is not good or bad what we do with it is what is
important. We have much confusion in our
lives clouding our communication, so with sustained superior performance we can
with Gods help cut through all that noise and speak the clearest most important
truth of all....God the creator loves you and Christ His son gave His life for
you, and the Holy Spirit wants to give to you and sustain your faith in that
In the
realm of interaction we would do poorly as well; Family's are fracturing and
being redefined to suit our selfish desires, our communities are oceans of
disconnected islands ignorant and apathetic of the pain and suffering next
door, our nation and world are collections of bureaucracies all competing for
power and wealth, blind to the societies they exist to serve. Why do we wear what
we wear? Why do we purchase what we purchase? because the marketer with the
best commercial, tapped in to our covetous nature. Good stewardship means not
directly or indirectly supporting sinful enterprises in our society. I am not a big fan of Life Way publishing but
I applaud their recent action in recalling their pink bibles to avoid being
even remotely associated with Planed
realize this a disjointed collection of observations but we must as Christians
realize that everything we say and do has direct and indirect consequences and
the only way for us to promote "sustained superior
performance" in our lives is with Gods help and
guidance, regular time exercising our faith in His word, and in His service to
others. The best way to do this is in
light of Jesus summary of the commandments "love the Lord your God with
all your heart soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself. The wonder of it all is we do not have to
worry about our evaluation or "fitness report" Because Christ got
perfect marks and His evaluation is attributed to us in our Baptism, in and
through faith in Him.
Have a blessed 2012 and do not
fret over the Myan calendar leave that to the worlds nut jobs
In Christ
Pastor Portier
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