Smoky Mountain Reflections #195
Every 3
years our church body holds a convention to conduct its business. This will
take place next year in Tampa Florida when around 1200 pastors and laymen
representing our 600 circuits will gather for that purpose. In preparation for
that event a theme is chosen, and much important parliamentary correspondence will
flow between our congregations and the Synod offices. In the year preceding the
convention all 35 districts conduct their conventions for the same purpose. The
office our synod president produced a report for those conventions to held
everyone prepare for next years convention. This is a 45-page document with a
lot of very valuable information so I am going to try to give you a reader’s
digest version of this report over the coming months. Here is the first
The theme
of our Synod convention in 2019 is “Joy:Fully
Lutheran” 1 Thess 5:16-24. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give
thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for
you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything;
hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. Now may the God of
peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and
body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you
is faithful; he will surely do it.
“Rejoice always.” St. Paul wrote
these words to the Thessalonians, who had “received the word in much
affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit” (1 Thess. 1:6).1 In the face of a
world that moves from one tragedy to the next, and in a church body full of
saints who happen every one to be sinners too, being “Joy:fully Lutheran” might
seem a pipe dream. Not so. In what follows president Harrison makes the case
for the beautiful nexus of being “Joyfully” and “Fully” Lutheran. The Gospel is
a joyful message that takes sin away and produces joyful saints. This blessed
Gospel of Christ’s free forgiveness enlivens every teaching, every aspect of
being Lutheran. “Joy:- fully Lutheran” is not a program but a divinely wrought
attitude, born of the Word of God, which brings repentance. A portion of this
report takes up the demographic challenge of The Lutheran Church—Missouri
Synod. The facts are elucidating. If we don’t know the facts — that is, why we
face what we face — our response will not only miss the target, but we may also
be led into unhealthy, unbiblical and negative attitudes that will only
exacerbate the challenges, weaken our biblical Lutheran convictions and rob us
of joy in Christ and each other. After describing the statistical material, I
offer some “answers” along the way. We must focus on being biblical, on knowing
the Scriptures and acting in accord with the Word of God. We must focus on being
Lutheran, on knowing our own confessing documents and the fabulous strength and
joy they afford us. Being Lutheran Christians is our gift, our witness and our
vocation in this world — for the sake of the Gospel in the world! We have
blessings aplenty. Seminaries, The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)
and the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (Int’l LLL) are vibrant, The
Lutheran Church Extension Fund, The Lutheran Federal Credit Union, The LCMS
Foundation, Concordia Plan Services, Lutheran Schools, universities, Concordia
Publishing House (CPH), We have some 15,000 people Synod-wide trained in
disaster response. Our church is known far and wide for the excellence of its
relief work. World Relief and Human Care continues to provide mercy far and
wide. Much more could be noted. A multitude of congregations, church workers,
mission societies and institutions of mercy serve millions in the name of
Jesus. Our Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL), under the direction of
the Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, is up and running in Washington, D.C.
However, in the coming months we
will look at a number of challenging matters, presented by the office of the
president. It is my prayer that these articles derived from that report will
encourage and strengthen you as a spiritual priest. I pray, that as we face
challenges with the Word of God, we will continue to grow together in unity,
ever more “diligently joined in unity of doctrine, faith, sacraments, prayer,
works of love and such” (SA II IV, 9).2 And all of this so that “our joy may be
complete” (1 John 1:4).
Pastor Matthew C. Harrison Palm Sunday 2018
Edited and reduced by
Pastor Porter Saint Paul Lutheran Church Sevierville TN
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